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We promise to be a reliable Pest control service Provider, in Bangalore. We are professionals with sound knowledge and understanding on pest control and we realize the health risk these pest can pose to you and your family or the structural and economic damages to your property and that's where our tailor made solutions come handy in satisfying our customers to their expectations.

Huma pest control in Bangalore team is fully trained and prepared to deal with any pest challenge that may arise and we offer tailored solutions to our customers specifications and requirements while aligning and abiding by all government regulations and safety procedures.


Huma Pest Control in Bengaluru believes in long term contractual agreements in Residential, Commercial and Industrial properties which can provide peace of mind to our clients who are susceptible to regular and seasonal pest issues. Huma Pest Control in Bengaluru, has since inception used an integrated approach towards pest control and various Physical, Biological and Chemical Methods are adopted in delivering solutions.

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At HUMA Pest Control Services, technicians and professionals would inspect your facility and design a special program that fits your needs and helps to keep your establishment pest free. We can also give you advice on DIY products for light infestations and on pest prevention but for more established pest problems, especially in living areas of your home, we recommend our domestic call-out pest control service which is fast and effective. Maintaining a clean home environment in an apartment, flat or home is important to keep away and control pests from your house. Pests are attracted to a home because of food odors, even the slightest odour will draw a pest. Maintaining the home is critical to ward away pests. 


For over many years, we have taken pest control seriously, and have thousands of satisfied customers to prove it. We use the latest science and technology to test new and innovated products so we can protect your home with a safe and effective plan suited to your specific needs.

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In the face of the declared Coronavirus pandemic, many families in India have decided to do everything possible to stay safe and healthy. We as a Professional Sanitizing cleaning and Disinfecting service provider in Bangalore, Proper sanitization requires few minutes for the sanitizer to complete its cycle to disinfect.


We use power sprayers to help disinfect frequently touched surfaces in public spaces, like the offices or commercial establishments as part of preventing the spread of the Coronavirus and other germs causing illness. With our sprayers, you can be rest assured that the disinfecting solution is entirely enveloping all surfaces whether they’re shadowed, vertical or underneath your appliances. contact us to request a quote. You can also inquire about our cleaning services that will help keep your property look its best at all times. Contact us today to get started!


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